Wednesday, June 27, 2018

That's Incredible!

One of my all-time favorite superhero movies is the 2004 Pixar-animated film ‘The Incredibles,’ featuring a likeable and highly relatable family of super-powered beings living in a world which shuns them.  Part ‘Fantastic Four,’ part ‘The Honeymooners’ and part vintage James Bond from the Sean Connery era, ‘The Incredibles’ is a delightful, fun-filled adventure for the whole family in large part because it IS about family.
Since then, I (and many others I’m sure) have always wondered when director Brad Bird will ever get around to doing a sequel.  Far inferior animated films (‘Ice Age’ anyone?) have been given far more sequels in far less time after all.  So it is that after 13 years our hopes and prayers have finally been answered with the highly anticipated return of Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack we’ve all been waiting for so long.  I mean, seriously, no other animated movie had to wait this long for a sequel since “Dory” was found after “Nemo.”  But good things are worth the wait, right?
So how good is ‘The Incredibles 2’ exactly?  IMDB gave it 8.3 out of 10 and its Rotten Tomatoes score currently stands at a whopping 94 percent.  Compared to its predecessor’s 8 out of 10 IMDB rating and 97 percent RT score, they are virtually identical in their fabulously cool awesomeness.  And I agree wholeheartedly without reservation.  Besides, who can resist superbaby and raccoon rassler Jack-Jack?  Who???!!!  Go see it already.

Grade: A


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