Friday, November 22, 2019

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Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 horror classic ‘The Shining,’ based on Master of Horror Stephen King’s 1977 novel of the same name, is rightfully on most top 10 lists of the greatest horror movies of all time.  Combining a great gothic scary story, creepy atmosphere in a haunted hotel and excellent performances by Jack Nicholson as a loving father transformed into deranged psycho-killer (“Here’s Johnny!”), Shelley Duvall and others, ‘The Shining’ is arguably the most successful Stephen King adaptation next to the one about a killer clown with red balloons who dwells in the sewers.
Which is why it's a bit mindboggling that ‘Doctor Sleep,’ the long-awaited (for Stephen King fans at least you would think) sequel to ‘The Shining’ and also adapted from King’s best-selling 2013 follow-up novel, failed to awaken (pun intended) moviegoers to go see it, managing a disappointing $57 million at the worldwide box office after nearly two weeks of release on a budget of $45 to $55 million.  'Doctor Sleep' is the story about a grown-up Danny Torrance (Ewan McGregor) who uses his “shine” and knowledge to aid a young girl against the predations of the supernatural True Knot gang, led by the beautiful but evil “Rose the Hat,” who torture and kill kids in order to steal their "shine" (psychic essences) in the form of steam so they can maintain their immortality.
While ‘The Shining’ takes place almost entirely in the Overlook Hotel, ‘Doctor Sleep’ jumps across various locales in America before reaching its climactic showdown between the forces of Good (Danny and the girl) and Evil (Rose the Hat) at the famous but now-abandoned and decrepit former winter lodging.  It is only fitting for such an epic battle, and the slow build-up setting up the final act is also well done.  Don’t let the two-hour, thirty-two minute running time of ‘Doctor Sleep’ discourage you from seeing this excellent film because it will do anything but (put you to sleep).

Grade: A

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