As we all know, among the non-essential businesses shut down by the coronavirus pandemic are entertainment venues including movie theaters. Right before the curtains came down I managed to squeeze in two movies since my last posts, so I'll make it short until we meet again. Stay safe, everyone, and watch lots of movies at home.
Universal Bloodshot
Vin Diesel's latest movie not part of the 'Fast & Furious' franchise is 'Bloodshot,' based on a rather obscure comic book character from Valiant Comics about a US Marine KIA'ed on a mission only to be brought back involuntarily, zombie-style, as a super-assassin to do the dirty work for Uncle Sam. 50 percent 'Universal Soldier' and 25 percent equal parts 'Groundhog Day' and 'A Long Kiss Goodnight,' 'Bloodshot' is a decent and entertaining enough sci-fi action thriller even if it's predictable and ultimately forgettable.
Grade: B

Blue Hunting Red
Some of you may remember Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse as two of the key producers/writers of the popular sci-fi mystery suspense TV series 'Lost' started by J.J. Abrams. Lindelof and Cuse's son Nick are the brains behind 'The Hunt,' a darkly humorous satire about a group of unwitting and hapless southern conservatives kidnapped and drugged by rich and self-righteous Silicon Valley liberals to be hunted and killed as game. Movies about people hunting other people are nothing new, of course, but 'The Hunt' is surprisingly fun, up-ending our expectations (especially which people die first) and giving us a heroine in Crystal (Betty Gilpin) nearly as compelling and badass as "The Bride" played by Uma Thurman in 'Kill Bill' volumes 1 and 2.
Grade: B+